Poetry Vanity By Lynne June 2, 2022He’s seen enough of his mistress preening.Read MoreFor the Sake of My Children By Lynne March 28, 2022Clouds of blue and yellow remind us of our home.Read MoreNebra Sky Disc Germany 1600s BCE By Lynne March 11, 2022Dimensions but not directions divined.Read MoreThe Blue Coat By Lynne February 17, 2022Klee’s kids skin their knees and cavort under blue-sheeted shrouds.Read MoreIII / The Journey By Lynne February 1, 2022sunward stretching Leonard lengthening limbsRead MoreSaudade, et tu? By Lynne January 24, 2022We stand by the winter pond, Look each other in the eye, Then look away.Read More Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next